Excel Foundation
Contact Information
- Postal Address *: BOX CO., 499, TEMA
- Office Location: American house, ashiaman adjacent to clementine road.
- Region *: Greater Accra
- Country *: Ghana
- City *:
- Telephone *: +233(0) 244710319
- Fax :
- Email *: efoundation@ymail.com
- Website *: www.execelfoundation.org
- Vision *: To promote the general welfare of members. To build capacity on financial management for small and medium scale entrepreneurs.
- Mission *: To provide community development services.
- Thematic Areas *:
- Target Group:
- Key Objectives *: To offer carier guidance and counselling services.
- Core Competencies *:
- Government Engagement:
More Information
- Major or Current Achievements *:
- Functional Board *:
- Number of Board Members *: 0
- List Expertise of Board Members *:
- Organisational Strategic Plan *:
- Head of Organisation *: Mr. Frederick Gyimah
- Name of Contact Person *: Ms. Christian Adjanyo
- Position of Contact Person *: Administrator
- Number of Staff *: 0
- Number of Males *: 0
- Number of Females *: 0