ARK Development Organization
Informations de contact
- Addresse Postale: P.O.Box NW 198
- Emplacement du bureau: Awo Yaa Amankwa Street, Near Star Photos, Nsawam
- Région : Brong-Ahafo
- Pays: Ghana
- Ville: Nsawam
- Téléphone: 0203636310
- Fax:
- E-Mail *: arkdevelopmento@gmail.com
- Site web:
- Vision: To create a world of equal opportunities
- Mission: ARK is a health, education, governance and environmentally focused organization committed to improving the lives of deprived women, children and disabled through capacity building, evidence based advocacy and participatory innovative programmes.
- Domaines d'interventions : Education / Education,Governance / Gouvernance,Human Rights / Droits de l’Homme,Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) / Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD),Environmental Conservation / Préservation de l’Environnement,Community Development / Développement Communautaire
- Cible: Regional / Régionale,Community / Communauté
- Objectifs principaux : • To promote the development initiatives of children, the youth and women in deprived communities.• To educate the populace on HIV/TB, Reproductive Health and Malaria prevention services.• To provide a platform for the voiceless and the marginalized in society through capacity building on social accountability and Public Financial Management• To promote education on environment and climate change, water and sanitation issues that directly and indirectly affect the health and livelihoods of the people.• To develop organizational capacity for effective community service delivery.• To facilitate networking with partners and civil society organizations which share common vision for mutual support
- Compétences principales: Advocacy / Plaidoyer,Capacities Development / Renforcement des Capacités
- Engagement du gouvernement:
Plus d'information
- Exploits actuels ou majeurs : The major achievements reached by the organization include: 1. Screaning 682 people for TB, were 49 TB presumptive cases were tested out of which referred, 8 people diagnosed with TB and all 8 put on treatment. 2. In HIV/AIDS, reached 7,533 with BCC messages, 2,177 with stigma reduction messages, 1,368 Tested and Counselled, distributed 35,629 male condoms and 36 female condoms. 3.17,218 people had been reached with malaria control activities, 16,096 people educated on LLIN use, 351 pregnant women educated on LLIN use, 352 pregnant women educated on IPTp, 189 pregnant women referred to health facility for IPTp, 182 referred pregnant women receiving IPTp (as confirmed by ANC card) and 1,958 caregivers educated on Home Based Care (HBC) 4. On education a construction of a 6 unit classroom school block, dining hall, toilet, and water supply for Kwame Ntow community in 2017 with funding from Australian Direct Aid Programme 5. Under Child Rights active Community Child Labour Committees were formed and working to eliminate child labour in all project communities, 61 Child Labour Victims Identified and investigated 6.Under governance the SPEFA social accountability let to the forming of community SPEFA learning platforms with citizens capacity built.
- Conseil d'administration:
- Effectif du conseil d'administration : 5
- Expertise du conseil d'admnistration:
- Plan stratégique organisationnel:
- Directeur/trice de l'Organisation: Emmanuel Kwafo Mintah
- Nom de la personne contact: Emmanuel Kwafo Mintah
- Position de la personne contact: Executive Director
- Effectif du personnel: 5
- Effectif d'hommes: 3
- Effectif de femmes : 2