Community Development and Human Resource Enhancement Group
Contact Information
- Postal Address *: Box GP14720, Accra
- Office Location: CODHREG Office, Volta Regional Coordinating Council, Ho
- Region *: Volta
- Country *: Ghana
- City *: Ho
- Telephone *: 0247875749
- Fax :
- Email *: codeghana@yahoo.com
- Website *: N/A
- Vision *: Championing poverty free, environmentally smart, climate friendly and gender sensitive and a peaceful world.
- Mission *: CODHREG is established to contribute to holistic community improvement and managing the environment through sustainable extraction and utilization of natural resources and application of environmentally sound, economically viable and socially acceptable technologies and best governance practices.
- Thematic Areas *: Agriculture, Food & Livestock / Agriculture, Alimentation & Elevage,Governance / Gouvernance,Human Rights / Droits de l’Homme,Peace and Security / Paix et Securité,Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) / Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD),Environmental Conservation / Préservation de l’Environnement,Health Provision / Soins de Santé,Humanitarian Affairs / Affaires Humanitaires,Emergency Aid / Aides d’Urgence,Economic Development / Développement Economique,Cultural Promotion / Promotion Culturelle ,Community Development / Développement Communautaire
- Target Group: National / Nationale
- Key Objectives *: The objectives which CODHREG intends to implement are: 1. Tackling rural poverty through promoting sustainable farming system which is environmentally sound, economically viable and socially acceptable. 2. Fostering rational utilization of natural resources for sustainable development in healthy, cleaner and friendly environment in order to ensure food security, diversified sources of income and improved livelihoods of communities. 3. Empowering/awakening the communities to own and manage the environmental resources sustainably using their indigenous knowledge and incorporating science and technology where necessary. 4. Initiate, promote and coordinate community based strategies for livelihood improvement and sustainable utilization of resources so as to ensure sustainable use throughout. These strategies shall include but are not limited to the following: • Fisheries management • Wetlands management • Forestry management • Land use management • Promote environmentally sound investments • Trade and investment facilitation • Climate/climate impact mitigation 5. Stimulate and promote community based income generating activities aimed at reducing poverty, which are conscious of the environmental impact. 6. Encourage the communities in Ghana especially water basins to improve their health status and sanitary conditions and contribute to processes aimed at halting the ongoing spread/intensity of HIV/ADIS, Malaria and other pandemic diseases. 7. Protect water sources and their environments. 8. Foster carrying out of studies and research on issues related to environment, economic and social matters. 9. Organize seminars, workshops, conferences, debates, public forums, trainings and documentations for the purpose of raising awareness, impacting skills and sharing of experiences intended to enable communities to participate and contribute effectively on environmental managements, social and economic activities. 10. Liaise with local, national and international organizations and agencies for the purpose of involving other actors in order to have a multi-actors action. 11. Establish centres and learning institutions for Environmental Management. 12. To conduct non-profit consultancy to ensure organization’s sustainability
- Core Competencies *: Advocacy / Plaidoyer,Policy Influencing / Influence des Politiques ,Knowledge Management / Gestion des Connaissances,Capacities Development / Renforcement des Capacités
- Government Engagement:
More Information
- Major or Current Achievements *: ACHIEVEMENTS Since the inception of CODHREG and with the later formation/incorporation of its business subsidiary, ABM Consulting Partners Ltd, an estimated 32 projects and programmes have been initiated/implemented or being implemented spanning food security/agri-business value chain operations, business development support programmes, plants nursery establishment/aqua-culture/fishery farming practices, microfinance for business/farmer based groups, water-shed management, skills training for free or fee. These activities sought to address critical poverty/unemployment gaps, increase farmer income levels, protect biodiversity, mitigate climate change impact on livelihoods and also serve as internally generated funds in support of the organization. A barrage of seminars, workshops, conferences, forums and meetings were organized and held leading to projects design and implementation. Some of the leading/outstanding programmes held through CODHREG’s own initiatives include: Programme One Title: Integrated Community Economic and Environmental Empowerment Project Programme activities: • Out-reach community awareness creation and sensitization on climate change impact on livelihoods, environments and economic benefits/opportunities associated with forestation/reforestation, nursery practices and agro-forestry as well as rural industrialization. Programme beneficiary communities: • 26 communities within Ho Municipal Assembly Programme output/impact: • 10 community level/institutional free-plantation and agro forestry projects established at Sokode, Adaklu, Akrofu Xeviwo • 56 individual farmers successfully established plant nurseries, tree-planting and agro-forestry projects. Key Programme Partners and Collaborators: • Forestry Commission, Volta Region • National Board for Small Scale Industries • Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) Programme Duration: June, 1995 – June, 2000 Programme Two Title: Volta Cocoa Rehabilitation Initiative Programme activities: • Organized cocoa seminar for 375 youth farmer and national service personnel. • Established two Central Cocoa Nurseries and 16 communities based ones in Ho, Hohoe, Jasikan, Kedjebi and Nkwanta Districts. • Distributed an estimated 800,000 cocoa seedlings to youth/women farmers across the cocoa producing districts in the Volta Region. Programme beneficiaries • National Service Personnel in the Volta Region • Youth/women farmers in the cocoa districts in the Volta Region Programme output: • 1,202 farmers benefited from the project through access to cocoa seedlings • Youth unemployed gap bridged to some extent • Contributed to addressing cocoa plantation development gap growth in the Volta Region. Key Partners: • Cocoa Services Division of Cocoa Board- Accra Head Office and Volta Regional Office • National Service Secretariat, Volta Region. Project duration: September, 1996 – September, 1997 Programme Three Title: Volta Regional Tree Growers Forum Programme activities: • Organized sensitization and capacity building training programme for tree growers including members of the National Union of Tree Grower Association. • Linked them to various funding/technical support opportunities including National Plantation Development Fund. • Supported with establishment of individual/community/institutional plant nurseries, agro-forestry and timber species development. Programme beneficiaries: • All individual and tree growers/farmer associations across Volta Region. • Selected schools and faith based groups. Programme output/impact: • 64 individuals/institutions plant nurseries installed • 422 farmers and tree growers set up commercial tree planting Key Partners: • Forestry Commission, Volta Region • Ministry of Lands, Forestry and Mining Project duration: 3rd March, 1997 – April, 1999 Programme Four Title: Integrated Agro-Forestry Initiative Programme activities: • Facilitated the establishment of a 20 hector Teak and Food Crop Production at Kosamba/Asatu in the Kedjebi District of the Volta Region. • Linked participating women groups to credit/donor support opportunities. • Organized series of business financing forums for CBOs/NGOs Beneficiary groups: • Adom Women Agro-forestry Association, Asatu-Kosamba, Kedjebi District of the Volta Region. • 120 mobilized farmers and business operatives within the catchment areas. Project output/impact: • 20 hectors of teak plantation established • 120 bags of maize harvested, sold, proceeds shared among women • Corn mill and financial support donated to the group by a foreign NGO • Trees planted in the community, school and a church environment Key partners/Collaborators • Kedjebi District Assembly • Volta Forestry Commission/District Forestry Services Department, Kedjebi MOFA Project duration: 2000 – 2005 Project Five Title: A – 3 Day Business Financing Advocacy Forum, Tapa Abotoase Purpose/activity: • Promoting awareness on operational activities and business funding opportunities of 15 states and non-state institutions at Abotoase, in the Biakoye District of the Volta Region. • Linking participants to informal sector and social security pension facilities/products. Beneficiaries: • 66 fish processing, fishermen and allied business groups within the enclave of Tapa Abotoase and 44 fishing communities along the Volta Lake. Key partners/resource organizations: • CODHREG /ABM Consulting Partners • Fishermen and Farmers Associations • Fisheries Commission, Accra/Ho • Ministry of Trade and Industry • Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Volta Region) • Medium and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC), Accra/Ho offices • Export Promotion Authority (Accra/Ho) • Agricultural Development Bank, Accra/Hohoe • ECLOF Ghana • Biakoye District Assembly • Volta Foundation • SSNIT Informal Sector Fund • First National Savings & Loans, Hohoe Output/impact • 120 members from three fish processing and fishermen group benefited from MASLOC support • More groups are being processed for funding/credit • Estimated 152 traders linked to an informal sector pensions scheme – on – going Project duration: 2014 – ongoing Project Six Title: Tordzie Basin Conservation Project Activities/purpose: • Organized and held a 2 day consultative forum for stakeholders • Purposely to identify stakeholders and design a roadmap to facilitate the project implementation which would involve watershed, aquatic life management and sustainable farming techniques along the basin. Beneficiaries: • 15 district assemblies and 52 communities along the basin’s stretch Output/impact • 147 participants drawn from various departments and communities including chiefs and land holding communities were fully sensitized on the project. • Inputs and views elicited and being factored into a full-scale project design for implementation Key Partners: • Water Resources Commission • Water Resources Institute of CSIR • Forestry Commission, Ho • NADMO • Environmental Protection Agency, Ho • Participating MMDAs • NGOs • ADICODE Project Seven Project title: Global Cassava Partnership (GCP) Purpose/activities: • Promote cassava-individualization and transform the economy into cassava cash-cropped one. • Organized and held a ground-breaking a multi-stakeholder project validation workshop and project roadmap design to facilitate smooth implementation. Full-scale project design is on-going to kick-start processes leading to implementation. Project output/impact • 150 stakeholders including farmers, processors, MMDAs/MDAs, end-user industries and financial institutions fully sensitized on the project, agenda set for project design, fundraising and implementation. Key Partners • Food Research Institute (CSIR) • Ministries Of Food And Agriculture, Trade and Industry • Adidome Farm Institute • Ghana Investment Promotion Centre • Ghana Industrial Cassava Stakeholders Platform Just to maintain a few SOME DONOR – FUNDED PROJECTS CODHREG and ABM consulting partners won and successfully executed some donor-funded projects. These include but not limited to: Project One (1) Project name/title: Village infrastructure project (VIP) Project implementing agency: • Ministry Of Food And Agriculture (MOFA) Finding sources: • The World Bank • The African Development Bank (AFDB) Project outcome: • 33 farmer-based organizations in the Ketu District were trained in farming as a business, business management, entrepreneurship, vision building and post harvest management. • All 33 trained groups were supported with credit, tools and equipments. Project Two (2) Project name/title: Volta Water Supply and Sanitation Project (VWSSP). Project implementing agency: • Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) Funding: • DANIDA Project output: • 46 water and sanitation (WATSAN) communities were trained in community ownership and management of water access system and sanitation facilities provided by the project. • Linked these groups to 8 business support institutions. Project Three (3) Name: Sustainable Fisheries Livelihood Project Project management/implementing agency: • Fisheries commission Funding: • DFID/UK-AID Project outcome: • Provided skills training and extension services to artisanal fisher groups and fish processing groups at Adina in the Ketu District. • Established a permanent credit scheme with the Agricultural Development Bank, Denu Branch to support 10 women fish processing groups. Duration: 2004 – 2006 Project Four (4) Project name/title: Rural Financial Services Project (RFSP) Project Management Agency: • Ministry of Finance Funding: • The World Bank • African Development Bank Outcome: • Performance capacity building programme offered to 15 Microfinance and Rural Banks on Business Management, Vision Building and Strategic Management and Customer Care Services. • Beneficiary groups were linked to commercial banks and business support projects. Project Five (5) Project name/title: Greening Ghana Initiative Project Management Agency: • Forestry Commission • Ministry of Lands, Forestry and Mines Funding: • Development Partners • Government of Ghana Outcome: • Embarked on community based and institutional level environmental and climate change education to 10 MMDAs in the Volta Region. • Plant nurseries established with schools
- Functional Board *:
- Number of Board Members *: 9
- List Expertise of Board Members *: IT experts, Social entrepreuners, Academics and researchers, Policy analysts, Democracy and Governance Experts, Organizational Developers and Change Makers, Community Development Practitioners, Legal Educationists, Skill and Unkilled volunteers, Entrepreuners/Industry players, economic analysts and Planners, Gender Advocates, Environmental experts.
- Organisational Strategic Plan *:
- Head of Organisation *: Justice Bediako
- Name of Contact Person *: Justice Bediako
- Position of Contact Person *: Executive Director
- Number of Staff *: 3
- Number of Males *: 2
- Number of Females *: 1