Adolescent Health Empowerment and Development Initiative Nigeria
Contact Information
- Postal Address *: # 2 Churchill Building, Peter Azi Street, Utan Rock-Heaven Junction.
- Office Location: # 2 Churchill Building, Peter Azi Street, Utan Rock-Heaven Junction.
- Region *: Plateau
- Country *: Nigeria
- City *: Jos
- Telephone *: 08123621489
- Fax :
- Email *: aheadng@gmail.com
- Website *: www.aheadng.org
- Vision *: To be a self-sustaining center committed to promoting good health, research, peace, gender equality and development of adolescents and young adults
- Mission *: Our mission is to; ADVANCE HUMANITY and promote a LIFE OF GOOD HEALTH by partnering with interested stake holders to: Identify and address underlying causes of preventable diseases, Promote the right and participation of poor excluded children, youths and their families in development via empowerment programs and Promote access to quality health information (which includes reproductive health, drugs and HIV/AIDS information services), education and other social services.
- Thematic Areas *: Communications and Media / Communications et Médias,Community Development / Développement Communautaire
- Target Group: Community / Communauté
- Key Objectives *: (a) Promoting Reproductive Health information and services for young people. (b) Disseminating periodic information on youth and adolescent health and promoting research. (c) Promoting rights and participation of poor excluded children, youths and their families in development. (d) Developing and implementing self-sustaining programs through which youths, adolescents and other community members can be empowered to maintain quality life. (e) Creating a common forum for articulation of the views of community members towards fighting against disease leading to ill health and consequently death (especially Malaria, HIV/AIDS, etc.) (f) Promoting survival and development by advocating for the availability of quality and affordable education, good nutrition, peace and adequate health care among orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), adolescents, youths, widows and their families in ignorant communities. (g) Contributing to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
- Core Competencies *: Advocacy / Plaidoyer,Policy Influencing / Influence des Politiques ,Capacities Development / Renforcement des Capacités
- Government Engagement:
More Information
- Major or Current Achievements *: AHEAD-NG Was sub-reciepient of the World Banks HPDP II grant in 2014 which deliveered Minimum Prevention Package of Intervention to over 13,000 Men and Women of Reproductive Age (MWRAs) in Jos North and Shendam; reached over 1000 pregnant women with PMTCT related services and facilitated policies amends that mandated Husbands to enroll their wives on ANC in Mikang LGA, Plateau State Nigeria. Presently rolled- out "The Link" Project
- Functional Board *:
- Number of Board Members *: 7
- List Expertise of Board Members *: Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Politics, Academia
- Organisational Strategic Plan *:
- Head of Organisation *: Harrison Chima Christian
- Name of Contact Person *: Mrs. Mirriam CHioma Okafor
- Position of Contact Person *: Deputy CEO-Operations
- Number of Staff *: 7
- Number of Males *: 4
- Number of Females *: 3