Contact Information
- Postal Address *: Box 20
- Office Location: kaneshie
- Region *: Greater Accra
- Country *: Ghana
- City *: kaneshie
- Telephone *: 0142589637
- Fax :
- Email *: adeymens@yahoo.com
- Website *: adeyreads.com
- Vision *: read wide
- Mission *: readers
- Thematic Areas *: Communications and Media / Communications et Médias
- Target Group: International / Internationale
- Key Objectives *: knowledge is power
- Core Competencies *: Knowledge Management / Gestion des Connaissances
- Government Engagement:
More Information
- Major or Current Achievements *: Readers Club international
- Functional Board *:
- Number of Board Members *: 5
- List Expertise of Board Members *: 3
- Organisational Strategic Plan *:
- Head of Organisation *: kwame
- Name of Contact Person *: yaw maanu
- Position of Contact Person *: CFO
- Number of Staff *: 25
- Number of Males *: 15
- Number of Females *: 10