Open Learning Exchange - Ghana

Type d'organisation:

Acronyme de l'organisation: OLE GHANA

Année d'enregistrement: 2008

Année marquant le début des opérations: 2010

Informations de contact

  • Addresse Postale: P.O.BOX 2412, MAMPROBI, ACCRA
  • Emplacement du bureau: On the premises of it consortium
  • Région : Greater Accra
  • Pays: Ghana
  • Ville:
  • Téléphone: +233(0)208138099
  • Fax:
  • E-Mail *:
  • Site web:


  • Vision: To help every young persons acquire the basic education (knowledge and skills) necessary to becoming a productive and fulfilled member of the global community.
  • Mission: OLE Ghana seeks to focus on teacher development programmes aimed at empowering teachers to among other things create, adapt, modify, use and share open education resources through the effective use of innovative learning environments, information technol
  • Domaines d'interventions :
  • Cible:
  • Objectifs principaux : Support the efforts of the ministry of education as they seek to transform the country’s education and make quality basic education available to all children in Ghana. Assist with the development and maintenance of an open and free online national library of basic education resources appropriate for the Ghanaian teacher and pupil. Promote a powerful public awareness programme to generate widespread public and government support for the investments required to achieve universal basic education. Demonstrate that quality universal basic education is possible and affordable.
  • Compétences principales:
  • Engagement du gouvernement:

Plus d'information

  • Exploits actuels ou majeurs :
  • Conseil d'administration:
  • Effectif du conseil d'administration : 0
  • Expertise du conseil d'admnistration: Educationist, It Management
  • Plan stratégique organisationnel:
  • Directeur/trice de l'Organisation: Prof Jophus Anamuah-Mensah
  • Nom de la personne contact: Kofi Essien
  • Position de la personne contact: Programme Director
  • Effectif du personnel: 10
  • Effectif d'hommes: 0
  • Effectif de femmes : 0

