Center For The Development Of People

Type d'organisation:

Acronyme de l'organisation: CEDEP

Année d'enregistrement: 1983

Année marquant le début des opérations: 1900

Informations de contact

  • Addresse Postale: P.O.BOX 5641, KUMASI
  • Emplacement du bureau:
  • Région : Ashanti
  • Pays: Ghana
  • Ville:
  • Téléphone: +233 3220 245 81
  • Fax: +233 3220 260 26
  • E-Mail *:
  • Site web:


  • Vision: A society that promotes the social, economic, and civic rights of the people in pursuance of equitable and sustainable quality human development.
  • Mission: To support, facilitate and build the capacity of marginalised and vulnerable groups, and influence policy in pursuit of sustainable human development in ghana.
  • Domaines d'interventions :
  • Cible:
  • Objectifs principaux : To empower disadvantaged groups, community-based organisations and institutions to work for the rights of their members and ensure the recognition of their needs and capacities by the structures of authority. to sensitise critical actors in society to protect the rights of the marginalised and ensure the recognition of the needs and capacities of the latter by the structures of authority. to enhance women's ability to improve the quality of their lives through participatory decision-making, access to and control of resources, skills and benefits. to improve the quality of life of the youth through the acquisition of relevant skills and knowledge to enable them make informed decisions in economic and social matters. to develop a strong network with other organisations in order to influence macro socio-economic policy.
  • Compétences principales:
  • Engagement du gouvernement:

Plus d'information

  • Exploits actuels ou majeurs :
  • Conseil d'administration:
  • Effectif du conseil d'administration : 0
  • Expertise du conseil d'admnistration:
  • Plan stratégique organisationnel:
  • Directeur/trice de l'Organisation: Mr. Patrick Amoateng-Mensah
  • Nom de la personne contact: Charles S. Sakyi
  • Position de la personne contact: Deputy Executive Assistant
  • Effectif du personnel: 20
  • Effectif d'hommes: 0
  • Effectif de femmes : 0

